A puzzle game of interplanetary scale

Welcome to your first day as a (Junior) Extrasolar Launch Technician! Your job is to use our patented celestial body launching technology to fling planets, moons, meteors and comets around. You'll have to send them into the right orbits, destroy rogue planets and avoid asteroids and other obstacles to create and maintain star systems. 

Keep in mind you have a limited amount of celestial bodies for each level, so use the company's resources wisely. Now get out there and get launching, rookie!


Click, Drag and Release to launch celestial bodies into the system!


Project Manager / Programmer: Madhur Arora LinkedIn / Itch.io

Artist / Game Designer: Sebastian Beltran  LinkedIn / Itch.io

Level Designer / Game Designer: Eduardo Cavalcante Almeida - LinkedIn / Itch.io

Game Programmer / Audio Engineer : Harsh Koranne - LinkedInItch.io

Sound Designer / Game Writer: Marie Kyla Reine Englis - LinkedIn / Itch.io

Audio Credits

Audio from Pixabay
> Liecio
> BeatzJoe
Some of the audio was modified for use

Made using FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.


Extrasolar_macOS.zip 47 MB
Extrasolar_Windows.zip 37 MB

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